Saturday, April 23, 2011

6 Legislative Changes to Florida Divorce Law in 2009

Florida divorce laws changed in six main respects in 2009. Every year there are some legislative changes to "tweak" Florida divorce law. As a result of this legislative year, "tweaking", here is what changed that could affect the Florida divorce case:

1.Proces parenting coordination is now recognized in the Florida statutes. parenting coordinator may be appointed when parents can not make decisions about their children. Standard qualifications for who can serve as parenting coordinators are now in the entire country, such as powers of parenting coordinators. Coordinators can

    Provide Education Make Recommendations Make a limited decision with the consent of both parents and the judge

Prior to these changes, coordinating parent is not recognized in law.

2.Proces be followed when a parent wants to move more than 50 miles away is a completely revamped and now applies to pending divorce cases. Before this change, the law of child relocation only applied after the final verdict.

3 To modify a Florida parenting plan must demonstrate a substantial, material and unanticipated change of circumstances that happened after the final verdict was entered. However, the plan can still provide a different standard, such as an agreement to negotiate time-sharing schedule when your child reaches the age of 6:16 years. Before this change, some judges felt that no changes had to be shown due to the changes that were made when Florida adopted a timesharing and eliminated the meeting in 2008.

4 There is now a clear definition of "reasonable price", children's health insurance. Insurance premiums that cost more than 5% of gross income parents are unreasonably expensive. Unreasonable cost is the only reason that you can avoid buying health insurance for their children in Florida divorce. A parent earning $ 50,000 a year must pay the children's health insurance premiums up to $ 207 a month. Credit is given for this insurance payment on child support worksheet. Prior to this definition is added, the price is reasonable to judge. Now the state standard.

5 In custody battles, there is now an assumption that domestic violence hurt the child when the parent is convicted of first degree misdemeanor or higher. Before that, the law requires a higher standard of third degree criminal offense before the supposed harm.

6.Florida legislation stated that no presumption for or against a particular time-sharing arrangement from the legal perspective. From the perspective of child development, equal sharing of time should be the starting point for divorcing parents, but Florida is not ready for the 50-50 term detention while the best interests of children. Before that 2009 statutory change, some judges believed 2008 law change means that 50-50 timesharing for parents was the starting point for determining custody Florida.

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